

JFolder :: fail: jalan bukan folder. Jalan: /var/www/html/clawback2014/negerisembilan/kgjemapoh/images/statistikcovidmalaysia15april


There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/statistikcovidmalaysia15april

Salam sejahtera dan salam hormat..

Ringkasan Kes COVID-19 pada 15 APRIL 2020:

Kes dilaporkan: 85

Jumlah keseluruhan kes dilaporkan di Malaysia: 5,072

Kes sembuh: 169

Jumlah keseluruhan kes sembuh: 2,647

Jumlah keseluruhan kes di ICU : 56 (Seramai 32 orang memerlukan bantuan alat pernafasan)

Kematian: 1

Jumlah keseluruhan kematian: 83


